Kudo Gamifying insurance
Everyone hates insurance. But Kudo’s gamified app challenges the way the category usually behaves. NB helped the start-up articulate their counter-intuitive positioning – insurance as a force for good. Then we dramatised the idea with an 8-bit graphic treatment that deliberately goes against the grain.
[Start-ups] [Branding] [Strategy] [Motion]

Kudo is app-based insurance that rewards the UK’s best drivers with cheaper insurance. Uniquely, Kudo scores you before it quotes you, using your personal data to set the fairest price. NB’s strategy led with the idea that ‘Good triumphs’.

Our creative solution is based on gaming and winning. We introduced 8-bit graphics as a visual metaphor for simplicity and play. The logo is imagined in a lo-fi world, built from solid pixels. And, inspired by early gaming, the whole aesthetic is deliberately two-dimensional to stand out in our hyper-augmented, high-resolution lives.

Guiding principles
1 Putting power in the customer's hands, 2 Fairness for safe drivers, 3 Changing the way insurance is done.
Bit graphics
Our visual metaphor for simplicity and play.
Going under?
Traditional insurance thinks young drivers are dangerous, so punishes them with premiums. Kudo makes age irrelevant, rewarding good drivers with cheaper insurance.
Is all it takes to get set up and you never have to think about it again.

Memorably, at NB’s interactive strategy workshop, our client said: “Insurance is shark infested waters – you need to stand out!” So that’s exactly what NB did, creating a single-minded pixelated toolkit (including animation and motion graphics) that can be flexibly applied across multiple formats and categories.