Wootz A big impact brand for a nano-tech startup

Wootz is a materials start-up at the cutting edge of carbon innovation. With their first product launch and funding round imminent, the founders wanted to jolt the world into attention. NB built a brand identity that advances, electrifies and cuts through the academic deep-tech sector with attitude.

[Start-ups] [Branding] [Strategy]

Wootz’ carbon-nanotube material augments and replaces traditional metals. The cross-sector possibilities are limitless: antennas and sensors today, health-tech and cars tomorrow. Our creative strategy centres on the fundamental advantage of Wootz: it’s materially better.

We created a world of supercharged performance. In the new brand identity, everyday objects are Wootzified, reflecting the groundbreaking benefits of their material. We designed a website that encapsulates the vision of the founders: a new generation of smart tech with Wootz at the centre.

We worked with Wootz to turn a story of complex material innovation into a simple yet compelling brand story. Team NB were inspired by Team Wootz – an ambitious group of young innovators jumpstarting their category. We’re excited to come along for the carbon-powered ride.

1000 m2

The daily capacity

of Wootz's Vantium processing line per day - the largest in the world for continuous aligned carbon nanotubes.


of a humain hair:

the diameter of a carbon nanotube.


The funding target

for Wootz's Series A raise.

“We wouldn’t have such a cool way of representing our tech without NB’s hard work and how immediately they were able to capture the essence of this deeply technical manufacturing process”

Amram Bengio CTO & Founder

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