A series of articles interrogating the future

[What if?]


Refreshing the refresh
New work by NB for Mindshare and GR8 People illustrates our commitment to relationships and our belief in adaptive branding.
[What if?] 2 Minute Read


Elite doesn’t have to mean elitist
‘Art for arts sake’ is no longer an acceptable motivation for leading cultural institutions. Shifting expectations and increasing scrutiny are leading many cultural organisations to rethink both their approach to art and how they present themselves.
[Insights] 2 Minute Read


What if you could create your way out of a recession?
Everywhere is doom and gloom. Sterling is hovering at its weakest level in decades. Energy prices (and prices more generally) are spiralling out of control.
[What if?] 3 Minute Read


Is Virgin playing a dangerous branding game that’s become unsustainable?
The true value of the Virgin brand is at the centre of a high court battle. NB Studio argues that Richard Branson’s baby has lost its once boundary-breaking lustre.
[Opinions][Insights] 2 Minute Read


Put away the Pantone
Designers looking for the most impactful colour choice won’t find it in CMYK. In fact, the answer’s right here in Black & White.
[What if?] 1 Minute Read


What is timeless design?
Unfortunately, design classics don't just happen overnight. Effortless design requires effort, argues NB, and the true test of timelessness is time itself.
[Insights] 3 Minute Read


Creative courage takes two
Audiences love to be astonished but it takes guts from both designer and client. Amazing things happen when informed passion meets visionary ambition.
[Opinions] 3 Minute Read


Tech gets a British accent
Why does 'disruptive' have to look so boring? If only FinTech could embrace its inner Karl Pilkington, it could give us our own British game-changer argues NB.
[What if?] 2 Minute Read


Treasured symbols
Has the idea of a trusted brand run its course? We assess the value of branding, looking back from the year 2040 where deep fakes and disinformation have de-branded our world.
[Opinions] 2 Minute Read


What if age got a makeover?
There's a British road sign that features a silhouette of a stooping elderly couple with a walking stick. It's a patronising image. So, we challenged the design community to help us change the image of ageing.
[What if?] 1 Minute Read


We don’t like cricket (we love it)
NB flips conventional cricket logic and considers redesigning a more tribal experience for non-traditional audiences.
[What if?] 3 Minute Read


Role reversal
Here’s what happened when NB decided to put on a play in South Africa. Suddenly, the tables were turned and NB experienced life as the client.
[What if?] 2 Minute Read